Pastor Geoffrey Gibbs, Jr.
Geoffrey Gibbs, Jr. accepted the precious gift of salvation at the young age of 17 on the campus of Morehouse College. A year later at the age of 18, he accepted his calling to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. For the last 25 years Geoffrey has been dedicated to serving and leading in the local church. Geoffrey is a servant leader who ministers from a place of authenticity and purpose. He is a leader of leaders not only in the local church, but also in the marketplace. With degrees in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering, he has built a 24-year career in the field of engineering, helping to model servant leadership in all spheres of influence that God has favored him to be in.
In 2015, Geoffrey accepted his first assignment as a senior pastor and became a church planter. Geoffrey’s mandate is for transformation and change through the power of Jesus Christ. He is most passionate about bridging gaps generationally, socio-economically, and ethnically through the message of reconciliation and justice found in Scripture.
Pastor Jasmine Gibbs
Jasmine Gibbs has been serving and leading in the areas of worship arts and intercession for the last 25 years. She accepted Christ at the early age of 7, but made a full commitment to God and His plan for her life at 18. It was also at the age of 18 that she made a conscience decision to devote her gifts and talents solely to God for the benefit of seeing His Kingdom glorified in the earth. Jasmine believes passionately and wholeheartedly in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and longs to see orphaned hearts reconciled back to the Father. She has committed her life to living a lifestyle of worship and God’s renown. She believes that unabashed worship is a primary catalyst to provoking revival in the human heart. She finds pure delight in leading others into a life of true authentic intimacy with God. Jasmine attended Clark Atlanta University and completed her undergraduate and graduate studies in Social Work. She is currently a licensed clinical social worker associate in her profession and has been serving in the field of social work for 24 years.
Together, they became the Senior Pastors of Witness Church Charlotte (formerly All Nations Worship Assembly of Charlotte) in 2021. They have been married for 21 years and have 2 sons, Geoffrey III (Tre’) and Jackson.